Traditional Chinese Medicine
"Qi" is the vital force or exchange that we have while alive. It flows much like a current through our bodies via an extraordinary system of pathways that we call channels or meridians. Acupuncture uses pressure and small, very fine needles to balance the flow of qi, restore the body from illness and even prevent disease. Acupuncture needles can vary in gauge, length and material. All needles are single-use and disposable.
Chinese Herbs
There are over 400 herbs in the Chinese Materia Medica, and many of these are food-grade. The idea that we can use plants and animals to heal, nurture and protect each other is as old as we are. Herbal formulas can be a wonderful way to get a daily dose of balance for your body. Herbs come in numerous forms; bulk, granules, patents, tinctures and external washes and plasters.
Bulk herbs are raw in full form and heated with water to be reduced down to a powerful decoction. This is a very traditional and time consuming preparation.
Granule formulas are herbs that have been decocted and mixed with a medium (usually starch) to make a powder that can be stirred by the spoonful into single servings of water. Both the bulk and granule formulas can be modified to tailor individual needs.
Patent formulas are also known as 'tea pills' and are tiny round pills that are easy to take with you anywhere. Patents are pre-formulated and based on traditional formulas so they can not be modified.
Cupping helps to relax and soothe tense muscles, and can treat the common cold. Using heat to create a vacuum inside a glass cup, the cups are then placed on the skin and left for a time in place or can be slid over larger areas.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a scraping technique done at the surface of the skin with a round smooth object; typically jade, bone or the like. Gua Sha pulls up "Sha" (looks like bruising) from the muscle layer and out of the body through the skin. This can help heal tissues and detox the body.
Moxibustion is a heat therapy that uses Mugwort. There are many, many styles of moxa. I typically use warming needles, direct rice cone moxa and indirect smokeless moxa. Mugwort can penetrate to the core of the body for deep nourishing and immune boosting effects.
Initial Consultation:
2 hours- $333: with $15 discount for CASH PAY = $318
Tongue Evaluation
Pulse Diagnostics
Acupuncture treatment
Auxiliary Techniques as needed
Plan for course of treatment
Follow-Up Appointment:
1 hour- $145 (or $160 e-stim): with $15 discount for CASH PAY = $130 (or $145 e-stim)
Tongue Evaluation
Pulse Diagnostics
Acupuncture treatment
Herbal Recommendations as appropriate*
Auxiliary Techniques as needed
Educational materials
*Follow up herbal consults are 30 minutes and $60